'Get more blueberries': Mnemonic devices can aid your job search
Most people have certain phrases burned into their brains. Thanks to piano lessons, many of us remember Every Good Boy Does Fine for E, G, B, D and F, the notes on the lines on the treble clef, and Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, which stood for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add and Subtract, the order of math operations.
Since those mnemonic devices came in handy when we were younger, it's still a good idea to use them in adulthood, especially if your brain is still wired that way. If you're heading into a job interview, you know there are certain topics to discuss, questions to ask and points to make. But you don't always remember what you're supposed to say. How about coming up with a mnemonic device to help trigger your memory?
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