Don’t do it: What you avoid is often as important as what you embrace

By Marco Buscaglia, Tribune Content Agency
Published in the
Chicago Tribune, December 13, 2020

Tired of being told what to do? That’s understandable. After all, 2020 has been a year of instructions and directives so it’s OK if you’re feeling a little beaten down. But what if we told you it’s possible to improve your career and your job outlook by not doing some of the things you’re probably getting pretty good at. Granted, some of these “don’t” are “do’s” in disguise but hey, what else can we say but 2020?

Here’s a quick look at some of the work-related actions you can not do in 2021: 

Don't think you can mail it in: Even if you’re at the point where your job is second nature, don't just go through the motions. If you're that bored and unmotivated, talk to your manager and ask for more work. If that doesn't settle things, ask to be moved to a new department. Still not working? Sharpen up your resume and get ready to make your exit.

Don't damage your own reputation: instead of making sarcastic quips at departmental meetings or snapping at people who forgo email and decide to seek some assistance from you face-to-face via an unscheduled Facetime call, maintain your professionalism. Even something as simple as an edgy joke sent over an email to co-workers can make you look like a jerk. Don't derail your career plans by acting like a buffoon.

Don't make it up as you go along: Your job isn’t a stream-of-consciousness essay written on a scroll. No offense but you're not exactly the Jack Kerouac of accounting. Everyone's career these days requires some planning and structure. You may think you can wing your day-to-day job and focus on things that interest you during any particular hour but either online or in an office setting, others are relying on you doing your share of the work in a specific timeframe. To make others wait because you aren’t exactly “feeling it” when it's time to create the monthly budget is selfish and short-sighted. 

Don't create more work for yourself: Workplaces around the country are filled with 60-hour heroes who could easily do their job in the span of three or four days. Don't make more work for yourself. From a practical standpoint, your company is probably paying you for 40 hours of solid work. The extra 20 that you think will get you ahead may have nothing to do with future promotions. It could, however, have a lot to do with how your family views you or your mental well-being. Put a cap on your hours. Going over them rarely serves the expected purpose.

Don't be afraid to speak up: While it can be difficult for employees who are being harassed to find their voice, It's always important that they find the strength to do so. What may be important, though, is that others who witness bullying, harassment or other degrading forms of treatment from either co-workers or supervisors say something. If the #metoo movement taught us anything, it's that silence must no longer be the expected norm in hostile environments. When one person comes forward, she or he gives strength to others. If you know there’s an obvious and known wrong occurring and your co-workers are reluctant to speak up, be the bright light.

Don’t settle: Whether it's the quality of a project you’ve completed or your career in general, make 2021 the year you no longer take satisfaction in mediocre outcomes. Set your expectations higher. Hold your work to a higher standard. Hold your career to a higher standard. There are many ways to improve your own situation but the first thing you need to do is raise the bar.