Chicago Tribune - March 29, 2020
Some workers thrive on the constant buzz in an office. They need the soft hum of machines, the low din of cubicle chatter and the collective movement of co-workers to feel like they’re actually at work. Take that employee and stick her at the kitchen table or in the corner of the basement and the vibe is completely different. Tasks that seemed simple in the office can be time-consuming at home.
Some of the things you take for granted during the day—casual conversations with co-workers, easy access to your manager—are still possible, but when your workspace is a desk at the end of a hallway, those engagements take place in different ways. But for today’s newly christened remote workers, there isn’t much time to settle into the new space. There’s work to be done—so avoiding common work-from-home pitfalls is key to a smooth transition out of the office.
To help new at-home workers steer clear of some of the usual missteps, we asked experienced remote employees about the biggest mistakes they’ve made when working from home and for some guidance on how others can avoid the same fate.