Paws and effect: Jill Showalter makes sure every dog has its day

Paws and effect: Jill Showalter makes sure every dog has its day

To be at Yuppie Puppy when it opens is like walking into your grandma's house on Christmas -- there's yelling, hugging, kissing and a pretty good chance someone's going to pee on the floor. OK, that last part depends on your family, but at this Oak Park, Ill., pet groomer, it's practically an everyday occurrence. "That's the goal," says Jill Showalter, owner. "I want the dogs to be so excited to be here that when they see me, there's going to be some pee."

Of course, that No. 1 greeting isn't always a sign of excitement. "That's OK, too," says Showalter. "We know some dogs are apprehensive when they come here but part of my job is to help them get past that. There may be dogs who think, 'Oh, I don't want to be here but you know what, I love her.' I'm fine with that. I just want them to have the best experience possible."

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